It's About Justice

A leading medical malpractice and personal injury law firm for people
harmed through negligence.

Representing Victims Who Have Suffered Injuries At Military Installations

If You Are A Civilian

Training and preparing for tactical maneuvers can create many dangerous conditions on a military base. In addition to active duty personnel, any civilians on the base may be put in harm’s way. If you’ve suffered a personal injury related to a car or motor vehicle accident or another catastrophic injury while you were on a military base, you may be able to file a claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act.

If You Are On Active Military Duty

The Feres doctrine states that active military members cannot sue their government. A circuit court recently rejected that theory, however, leaving the Feres doctrine of questionable validity. Call a McKeen & Associates, PC, lawyer at 313-524-8570 or contact us online to discuss your situation.

Mothers Giving Birth On Base

If you gave birth at a military base and something went wrong resulting in a birth injury, as the baby’s mother, you can file a claim. This assumes the mother was on active military duty at the time. The baby would not fall under the Feres doctrine.

Helping Injured People Pursue The Fair Compensation They Deserve

Experienced legal representation for an on-base personal injury is available. At McKeen & Associates, our attorneys have successfully handled thousands of personal injury cases. In fact, we have a strong track record of multimillion-dollar verdicts. We believe in what we do. Call us at 313-524-8570 or contact us online to discuss your case and talk about how we can help you pursue the compensation you deserve. Your first consultation is free.

McKeen & Associates is in Detroit, Michigan, and handles military personal injury and medical malpractice cases nationwide.

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