Seeking Representation For Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
When a child is injured or killed during or shortly after birth through medical malpractice, it is a tragedy for the entire family. Meconium aspiration syndrome can be fatal. If a medical provider’s negligence led to a baby succumbing to meconium aspiration syndrome, then Detroit parents have a right to hold the doctor, hospital or clinic responsible.
At McKeen & Associates, PC, our attorneys are leaders and nationally known for our success in medical malpractice claims, including birth injuries. For more than 30 years, we’ve faithfully represented victims of medical malpractice in Detroit and throughout Michigan and helped them find justice.
What Is Meconium Aspiration Syndrome?
Meconium is a baby’s first feces before they start on formula or breast milk. A baby may begin to pass meconium into the amniotic fluid before or during the delivery process, especially when there is fetal distress. The meconium and amniotic fluid can then pass into the baby’s lungs, which causes meconium aspiration syndrome.
What Are The Possible Complications Of Meconium Aspiration Syndrome?
Once meconium enters a baby’s lungs, the baby can develop severe medical conditions. Meconium is toxic to infants and can lead to blocked airways and infection. Early signs of meconium aspiration syndrome include respiratory distress or rapid breathing, respiratory failure, a slow heart rate and bluish skin color.
Doctors who respond to the signs of meconium aspiration syndrome may place a baby in an intensive care unit (ICU). During an infant’s time in an ICU, they may be given supplemental oxygen and given a chest X-ray to discover the cause of their illness. If it is discovered that a baby is sick from meconium, they may be supplied antibiotics to treat infections and provided mechanical ventilation to keep their lungs inflated.
Free Consultations – No Fee Unless We Win
Our lawyers can investigate medical evidence and gather a second opinion from experts to determine whether a doctor should have done more to save a baby. Reach out to one of our medical malpractice attorneys for a free consultation today by calling 313-524-8570 or contacting us online.