When bringing a new life into the world, the experience can quickly turn distressing if complications arise. One such complication is facial nerve injury in newborns, a condition that can lead to temporary or permanent paralysis of the facial muscles.
Facial nerve injuries in newborns are relatively rare but can have significant impacts. Some infants recover while others experience lasting effects as the duration and severity of these symptoms can differ.
What is facial nerve injury?
Facial nerve injury, or facial nerve palsy, occurs when the facial nerve is damaged, usually during childbirth. This nerve controls the muscles on one side of the face, which helps control facial expressions. During delivery, the use of forceps, prolonged labor or the baby’s position can exert pressure on the facial nerve, leading to injury.
Symptoms of a facial nerve injury in a newborn can be immediately apparent or may develop over the first few days after birth. These symptoms include:
- Asymmetrical facial appearance: One side of the face may appear limp or lack movement.
- Inability to close the eye: The affected eye may remain open, leading to dryness and potential eye damage.
- Feeding difficulties: The baby might struggle with sucking and swallowing, impacting nutrition.
The prognosis for facial nerve injuries can vary. In more severe cases, the damage may be permanent, resulting in lifelong facial asymmetry or impaired facial functions. Long-term complications might include issues with speech development, eye health and emotional well-being due to the cosmetic impact of the injury.
While it is possible to sue a hospital for causing a facial nerve injury in a newborn, legal action requires a thorough examination of the circumstances surrounding the birth. For a successful claim, proving negligence and linking it directly to the injury is vital. If you believe your child’s injury was the result of improper medical care, you can benefit from seeking legal help to navigate this challenging process.