Anesthesia is an essential aspect of many medical procedures. However, errors in providing this medication can result in significant harm to patients. What issues can arise during these procedures and impact patient health? Errors in the dosage Getting the dosage of...
Medication Errors
Sound-alike and look-alike drugs pose dangers to patients
Pharmacy errors can lead to absolutely terrifying medical emergencies and leave patients with untold harm – and one of the most concerning issues is the danger posed by “sound-alike” and “look-alike” drugs. Many medications can have similar-sounding names, and a...
Certain medications can have dangerous interactions
If you’re in the hospital or visiting your doctor, you may be administered certain medications or prescribed those medications to take at home. You expect that your doctor will know how these medications interact with each other and will give you treatment options...
Why you need to know what your prescription pills should look like
Filling a prescription may be so commonplace, you may not give it much thought. After you pick up your prescription from the pharmacy, you may leaf through the indications for usage. Then you probably begin taking the medication as normal. But one step you might not...
Unauthorized use of antipsychotic drugs in nursing homes
Antipsychotic drugs are a category of drug designed to treat severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. The drugs have an incredibly powerful sedative effect, which can render a patient virtually catatonic. They are only meant to treat patients suffering from a...
Overmedication of the Aging is a Common Problem
One of the specializations of McKeen & Associates is pursuing medical negligence cases against health workers who prescribe too much medication, especially to the aging population. "Polypharmacy" ("poly" meaning many, "pharmacy" meaning drugs) is a term that...
Zantac recalled due to cancer risk
You may have experienced heartburn at some point. Whether it is a chronic condition or a temporary inconvenience, you likely try to treat your symptoms with medication. Unfortunately, not all medicines are safe.The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)...
FDA warns Singulair can have serious mental health side effects in children
Is your child’s medication putting them at risk for serious mental health issues? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently updated the asthma and allergy medication, montelukast (brand name: Singulair), with a stronger warning label.Data from the FDA...
Can I sue over a prescribed medication error?
Every day, people all around the U.S. pick up prescription medication at their local pharmacies. They trust that these prescriptions are filled with the correct dosage of the right medicine. But what happens when that is not the case?Prescription error and fault are...
At compounding pharmacies, drug safety is no guarantee
As consumers in the American healthcare system, we trust our medical providers to keep us from harm. We also – perhaps less consciously – depend on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ensure that the drugs we receive are safe. When you pick up a...