The criticalness of the medical field does not provide room for errors. A single mistake can lead to life-threatening consequences. Unfortunately, errors occur in this industry, and to make it worse, in the operating rooms. In the U.S., at least 4,000 surgical errors...
Surgical Errors
Negligence during and after plastic surgery harms many patients
When you undergo surgery, even if you have chosen the surgery and do not technically require it, you still expect the surgeon providing your treatment to maintain appropriate professional standards and to do everything in their ability to secure a positive outcome for...
Surgical negligence can lead to lifelong complications
When you visit the hospital for a surgical procedure, you expect a certain standard of care before, during and after the operation. While most surgeries end up without any issues, it is not always the case. Mistakes or negligence by the operating team can lead to...
Study: Female patients more likely to have adverse outcomes from male surgeons
A study published last December in JAMA Surgery concludes women operated on by male surgeons suffer significantly higher adverse outcomes than those who had female surgeons. Utilizing data from 1.3 million surgeries in Ontario, Canada, between 2007 and 2019, the...
Does the PREP Act protect against medical negligence?
The federal Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act went into effect in 2005 to shield doctors and other medical professionals from liability during public health emergencies. In March 2020, former Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked...
Why you should avoid the hospital in the summer
The summer is quickly approaching. Time to hit the beach, take your boat out on the lake or pull your bike out of hibernation. Whatever your plans, it’s especially important to take any measures you can to keep yourself safe and healthy this summer. Of course, it’s...
Discovery is Essential
Recently, McKeen & Associates posted a blog regarding the importance of defendants’ participation in pretrial discovery depositions, regardless of their admission of liability. McKeen & Associations recently obtained another trial court decision thwarting...
Early Diagnosis and Good Surgical Stabilization a Must for SCFE
Something we at McKeen & Associates have witnessed is the inadequate care of SCFE (Slipped capital femoral epiphysis). SCFE is a very common hip disorder in adolescents. A growth plate (physis) is found between the femur head (epiphysis) and the neck of the femur,...
McKeen Wins More Than $3 million on Behalf of Permanently Disabled Hockey Player
McKeen and Associates attorneys Brian McKeen and Todd Schroeder recently settled a case for $3,250,000 on behalf of an athlete who suffered a spinal cord injury due to physician negligence. The young man experienced a hemothorax-- an accumulation of blood within the...
Surgical sponge never events: One system could help
Sponges are used in surgeries and are designed to absorb blood and keep the visible area clear for surgeons. Unfortunately, the reality is that these may soak up that blood and become nearly impossible to find again. Even though the staff may count how many go in and...