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Study looks at relative risks of vaginal and Cesarean breach delivery

On Behalf of | Aug 3, 2015 | Birth Injuries

Childbirth, though a very natural process, can involve various risks for both the baby and the mother. The desirability of managing these risks, of course, is why most women choose to deliver in hospitals with the help of skilled nurses and doctors rather than at home. Not only are the risks of delivery decreased this way, but patients are able to hold negligent providers accountable for serious mistakes.

One potential risk in childbirth is that the child will be flip upside down prior to delivery, such that a vaginal delivery would cause the infant to be born in the breech rather than head fist. Providers manage this risk by monitoring the position of the infant up to the delivery date and determining the best mode of delivery based on positioning, whether vaginal or Cesarean section.

While it is possible to deliver a breech baby vaginally, most providers assume there is an increased risk of mortality and morbidity for the mother and that Cesarean section is the safest way to go. According to a new study, it is generally true that vaginal delivery in such cases involves between two and five time higher risk of mortality and morbidity.

That being said, the overall risks of vaginal delivery for a breech baby are still rather low. In addition, there are some cases where vaginal delivery may still be considered safe when compared with Cesarean section delivery, which presents its own set of risks. For women, it is important to understand the relative risks of any approach and to come up with an appropriate plan in cooperation with their physician and the hospital where the delivery is to take place.

And, in cases where the provider makes a mistake of judgment that has serious consequences for either the mother or the child, it is important to understand one’s options for recovery by consulting an experienced attorney.


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