Diflucan (fluconazole) is a medicine designed to treat fungal infections, but it has recently been scrutinized for an alleged tie to birth defects. Many scientists believe that when pregnant women take high doses of Diflucan, the fetus faces an increased risk of birth defects.
Danish researchers examined registry data concerning the health of children who were in the womb while their mother ingested large doses of Diflucan. Perhaps surprisingly, the study did not find that fluconazole caused higher rates of general birth defects.
However, the study suggested that an infant’s risk of congenital heart defects may be increased by prenatal exposure to Diflucan, rendering the infant more susceptible to blue baby syndrome.
The data isn’t strong enough for the study’s authors to say there is a definite link between oral fluconazole and heart defects, but they suggested that there may be a correlation and further study is needed.
Previous studies have plainly stated that Diflucan exposes babies to an increased risk of serious birth defects, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labels Diflucan as a Category D pregnancy drug that should definitely be avoided by pregnant women whenever possible.
While the new Danish study clouds up a picture that seemed to be getting increasingly clear, there is still plenty of scientific data tying fluconazole to a variety of serious birth defects.
If you believe that Diflucan, manufactured by Pfizer, or another drug has caused your child harm without sufficiently warning of the side effects, an experienced medication errors attorney can help you explore your legal options for recovering money damages.
McKeen & Associates, PC is a nationally recognized personal injury law firm that focuses heavily on the areas of medical malpractice and birth injuries.
Source: New England Journal of Medicine, “Use Of Oral Fluconazole During Pregnancy And The Risk Of Birth Defects,” Ditte Molgaard-Nielsen, Aug. 29, 2013