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How has Lupron harmed some women?

On Behalf of | Feb 4, 2024 | Dangerous Drugs

Modern doctors have a vast range of drugs at their disposal. So, when someone walks in with a particular condition, they can often find something that they believe will help the person.

Unfortunately, in some cases, certain drugs can do immense harm to some patients. One such example is Lupron.

Why have doctors prescribed Lupron?

Doctors typically use Lupron to treat prostrate cancer or endometriosis, but for a while, it also became a popular option to help young girls grow taller or stop puberty. Over ten thousand women whose doctors prescribed it have reported adverse events. Some reported psychological issues like depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and seizures. Others reported physical harm such as fibromyalgia and bone and enamel degeneration – issues that normally do not occur until much later in life.

All drugs have some side effects

There is not a drug around that does not have a risk of at least some side effects. The problem is that manufacturers have not always been fully transparent about these or the likelihood of them occurring in particular patient groups. Or they have not done enough research to find out.

Just look at the current opioid crisis as a prime example of the problems that can occur when pharmaceutical companies and their sales teams get overzealous in encouraging doctors to hand out their drugs. It can take a long time to understand the full range of side effects a drug can have, and when a drug is promoted too quickly or promoted too quickly for new uses, great harm can result.

In cases such as these, the law usually permits those who suffer to claim compensation. As such, those who have been adversely harmed by Lupron and other questionable drugs should strongly consider learning more about their rights and options under the law.


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