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3 bills that will affect no-fault reform passed the Senate

On Behalf of | Nov 7, 2023 | Personal Injury

When state lawmakers first announced no-fault reform efforts years ago, they claimed that changes to Michigan’s car insurance statutes would save policyholders money. Unfortunately, the law enacted in 2019 to reform no-fault insurance has had a variety of negative, unintended consequences

Many home health services ceased operating because they could no longer bill for home care services related to crash injuries. People with severe limitations caused by collisions ended up in long-term care facilities instead of in their homes. Lawmakers have now passed a trio of bills that could theoretically reduce the challenges people face in the wake of no-fault reform in Michigan. 

What do lawmakers want to do?

There is a trio of bills making their way through the legislature that could all help address the shortcomings of the current system. SB 560, 531 and 575 will address the lack of appropriate billing regulations. The bills would theoretically create a more standardized system of payment and reimbursement for certain types of charges, both for those with Medicare benefits and those not utilizing Medicare. 

The focus is on ensuring access to cost-effective home health care solutions for those with permanent or catastrophic injuries caused by car crashes. All three bills recently passed the state Senate, and it remains to be seen how they will fare in the House. 

No-fault reform could potentially help to keep costs low or might create yet another set of challenges for those worried about their medical costs and the care of their loved ones after a Michigan car crash. Monitoring proposed changes to no-fault laws can help people understand what insurance coverage they need and what benefits may be available after a catastrophic collision.


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